What is Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is a mode of underwater diving where the diver uses a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (scuba), which is completely independent of surface supply, to breathe underwater.

Scuba divers carry their own source of breathing gas, usually compressed air, allowing them greater independence and freedom of movement than surface-supplied divers, and longer underwater endurance than breath-hold divers.

Scuba Diving Instructors

Scuba Diving instructors of our Federation are certified by CMAS

Scuba Diving benefits

Have you ever heard the theory that watching fish in an aquarium is incredibly relaxing? So imagine how calming it would be to actively observe the underwater environment while being in it physically from inside!

There is also evidence that the type of marine life observed can make a difference. Authors of the study suggest that we were more affected by images of colorful, tropical fish and higher levels of biodiversity.

While being underwater, your body is exposed to a pressure gradient. All your body muscles are working simultaneously and require oxygen to do so, so your blood vessels open in order to bring that oxygen to the muscles.
The breathing techniques we use while diving are similar to the ones we use whilst meditating.

Focusing on watching the underwater life distracts your mind from ‘day to day’ issues, so allowing your brain to forget about everything else for the duration of the dive.

This helps to enable our body and central nervous system to restore its natural balance.

Being stuck in lock down and/or working from home, day in day out, can affect our concentration. One of the benefits of scuba diving can help us to really focus on our day to day tasks.

When diving, you have to simultaneously keep your balance while swimming and also pay close attention to your environment. As a result, your brain improves its concentration and awareness.

The warming up of our body plus the slow and deep breaths used whilst diving, help to reduce our blood pressure. Many studies show that those who dive regularly are less likely to be prone to strokes and heart attacks.
Diving is a real physical fitness work out! All your different muscle areas tend to work more underwater due to the resistance of the water. So there’s no better time to shake of the shackles of your desk, jump in the water and give your tired body a good relaxed workout.
Diving brings you closer to nature, literally and figuratively speaking. Divers tend to appreciate nature more than non-divers would and are most excited to feel part of the underwater world.

Feeling this connection brings is back to our basic primal roots and helps us to forget what currently happening in the world around us.